About Our backpack

Packed Vision believes everyone has been created for a purpose. It might not look the same as your
neighbor or family member. That’s the beautiful part of discovering your God - given purpose.

As the builder of Packed Vision I have explored my calling & purpose outdoors, during 2020 when it
felt as if there was no vision for our futures. Creating this backpack is a miracle and we want to
encourage visionaries like you to go outside and seek all that God has for you., spending time on the
land He has created for you and me.

We understand, as a brand , how discouraging it is to find your purpose. At times, we don’t have the support, we struggle with fear , self -doubt , or lack of finances to start. With every purchase of a
backpack you are not only investing in a high-quality product, but 10% of the proceeds will help
fund a visionaries dream.

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Packed Vision Podcast: